Privacy Policy

Privacy Statement

What do we do with the information you provide us?

We will make use of your email address to email you a confirmation of your purchase.

Your IP address is collected automatically whenever you access the site. This helps us better know the type of browser you are using as well as your operating system.

In signing up to receive our newsletters we will inform you of the latest products, stores or any other information that is relevant to you.

Section 2: Consent

Which is the best way to get my permission?

If you supply us with your personal details to make a payment and verify your credit card\’s number, complete your transaction on the internet, or make arrangements for return, delivery or exchange for a purchased item, you are implying that you consent to the collection and use only for this particular reason solely.

We\’ll seek your permission or give you the choice to decline if the data we gather is used in ways which are not related.

Section 3: Disclosure

In some cases there may be a need to provide personal information when the law demands it or you have breached our terms and conditions.


Third-party service providers who we rely on, will in general only gather and share details necessary to supply us with services.

A few third-party vendors, such as payment processors as well as payment gateways, have privacy policies that govern the information that we must provide in order for your transaction to take place.

You should read their privacy guidelines to learn the ways they process your personal information.

Be aware that certain companies are located in or have facilities in a jurisdiction that differs from yours or ours. If you opt to conduct a transaction that involves the services of third-party providers, your information may be subject to laws in the countries where the service provider is located or has facilities.


We will take reasonable steps to ensure that any information we obtain is secured.

All credit card data is stored and transmitted using AES 256 encrypted encryption. Although no transmission method or electronic storage method can ensure 100% security, we abide by the PCI DSS as well as other industry requirements.


Through the use of this website that you meet the requirements for minimum age in the state or province in which you live or meet the minimum age requirements in the province or state you live in and have given your consent to allow minors dependent upon you to use this site.